Our Products

Our solutions are based on a common technology foundation that integrates the most advanced standards of the market to guarantee the modulatity, the performance and the scalability you need.

Enterprise Software

Hospital ERP

Our Hospital ERP system has been designed for Medical Industry, it comes loaded with various modules like patient, billing, accounting etc, it can be run on network and supports multiple users.

College ERP

Our College ERP system has been developed for Education Industry, it supports various modules like students, teachers, fees etc, it can be run on network and supports multiple users

Hotel ERP

Our Hotel ERP system has been developed for Hospitality Industry, it supports various modules like guests, staff, payments etc, it can be run on network and supports multiple users

POS Software

Our POS Software has been developed for hotel, motel and restaurants, it supports handheld devices and can be deployed over WiFi network, it has all required modules and supports multiple users.

HR Information System

Our HRIS Software has been developed for enterprise clients, it supports multiple users and can be deployed on LAN or Cloud, it has all the required modules for HR department for outstanding performance.

Business Software

Accounting Software

Our accounting software is cloud ready, our accounting system supports various modules like ledgers, trial balance, profit and loss and balance sheet. You can install the system on cloud and access from anywhere.

Auction System

Mount Soft has developed an auction system which support b2c and b2b auctions, our auction system supports reverse auction, tender auction, open auction, dutch auction and blind price auction, it can be run on Cloud.

Billing & Inventory

Our billing and inventory system helps you to automate the purchase and selling process of your business, our billing system supports multiple product categories, customization of invoices and multiple units.

eCommerce Software

Our eCommerce software helps you to sell your products and services online, our ecommerce system comes with an easy to use interface by which you can manage most of the processes like product catalogue and order processing.

Library Management

Mount Soft has developed library system to automate lending of books in school, college and public libraries, our library system offers options like adding new books, adding members, lending books, return of books, defaulters etc.

Payroll Software

We have developed a payroll system so that you can manage the payroll of your company easily, our payroll system offers various features like leaves, bonus, overtime and government tax system like Providend Fund, Professional Tax etc.

Pharmacy Software

Mout Soft has developed a Pharmacy software which helps a medicine store to automate the billing and inventory process, our pharmacy software offers features like adding new medicines, expiry date, search medicine, stock check.

Online Admission Software

Mout Soft has developed an online admission software which can help schools and colleges to automate there admission process through the internet, our software provides MIS reporting and automates all parts of school and college system entrance modules.

School College CMS Software

Mount Soft has developed a School / College Content Management System using which school can publish daily updates to there students, all notices and circulars are uploaded on realtime basis, other features includes results, campus news,syllabus etc..